Monday, June 27, 2016

Time to Set Sail from Someday Isle

For those of us interested in self improvement...

How many blogs do you read on becoming better at whatever you do?

How many leadership and motivational books have you read? Podcasts listened to?

Would you say that you do these things because you aspire to excellence in your personal and work life? (And, if you currently aren't doing these things, give them a try, maybe get hooked, and remember my challenge here!)

When is enough enough? At what point do you stop ASPIRING and start APPLYING with the goal of ACHIEVING?

When is it time to leave “Someday Isle” (as Jim Rohn puts it)?

All of the reading you do (yes, even this blog) is meant to prime your pump of creativity, give you passion for doing good, encourage you to lead like a servant, fire your desire to inspire, and be the change you wish to see in the world. So, my question: when are you going to get moving?

I must admit, I fall into this trap, too. Sure, things I read and hear may sink in through osmosis and pop out in my thinking or my conversations once in awhile, but really synthesizing and applying takes work, and sometimes, I just don’t wanna do it.

The other day, I finished reading The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. It’s a great book, and I recommend it. The premise: little changes over time will compound into a BIG difference for you. Hardy challenges his readers with action steps at the end of each chapter. He point-blank asked his readers to apply his ideas! Of all the nerve!

Well, I am applying some of his ideas. There is a lot there and it will take some time, but I think I actually am going to like this. I’m achieving small things, and the sum total effect feels great.

So what about you? At what point do you know enough to cross over from aspiration to achievement? Why not jump in and swim away from “Someday Isle?” The water’s fine!

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