Sunday, November 30, 2014

Stop Should-ing on Me

Margot Thompson is a blogger that I follow on Twitter. She and I share the same thoughts on the word "SHOULD." Here's the beginning of her blog post from late October. The link to the full post is below the excerpt. Enjoy!
For most of my life, I've felt a huge pressure to be something or someone that in my heart, I really wasn't. Urged in certain directions by those I loved and respected, I just presumed they were correct, and it was me that simply couldn’t feel comfortable walking the “right” path. So often we tell ourselves what we should do or who we should be based on what others believe. I should be a straight “A” student. I should go to university. I really should socialize more. I should be married to a “successful” man. I should have children by now. I should make more money. What a load of shoulds.

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