Lately, I've been doing much thinking about teaching: why I do it, what it does for me as a person, how to do it better, and when (or if) to share what I think about.
This blog began in 2012, and I've posted irregularly during that time. I think that when I have poted, it's been about topics that I strongly believe in. The focus here is about self-improvement; and striving to "be better" than yesterday.
What is missing in this blog, although there are several posts about my teaching thoughts, is a true focus on who I am through what I do. I've occasionally felt as though I was of two minds: the teacher mind and the personal development mind. So, at the new year, I started a new blog presence that I believe will allow me to marry who I am and what I do in a better way. It is this page that will see more attention from me in the forseeable future:
I invite you to join me there. If you like what you read, I would appreciate your subcrition, share, and/or "Like."